Every child should be taught
To know that Allah created them to be His Khalifah
Every child needs to come to understand
Their role as Khalifah of Allah
In the most full and detailed manner possible.
Khalifah - vicegerent of Allah
What a glorious and exciting role to be given
To act as a representative of Allah
Even if only within the limited scope of human ability
It is the highest honour that can be given
Most blessed are we that Allah
Through His Divine and Unlimited Mercy
Has chosen mankind to receive this greatest of all honours.
When Allah created human beings
He gave us free will
In our role as Khalifah of Allah
We have the responsibility to use the free will given to us
To continue His plan for Creation
Allah gave us the responsibility
To ensure that His Creation continues to progress
That His Attributes will be perfectly expressed in physical world.
What a glorious and exciting future
Has Allah provided for us
What a lot of work there is to be done for Allah
And, what a magnificent reward awaits us.
Work hard and do a good deeds as Allah's Caliph
The world will become like a paradise
Allah's will.
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