
What has been seen through

I would like to see my life as splashes and rythms
Mission statement gives me comfort more than anything else
And without it, i don't function well.

As Muslim
We are designated to bring Islam to the world
Conveying the truth
About Allah and Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him)
Allah is all great
Muhammad is the messenger
Rahmatan lil 'alamin (bless to the whole world)

For all that I have seen
I have learnt not to judge
But to mirror instead

For all that I have heard
I have learnt to hear on what they are not saying
For all that I have fall into
I have learnt to feel sick about it

For all that I have met
I have learnt to embrace the different shades
And for all that I have put my soul into
I have learnt to not keeping it out from it forever.

Dunya is temporary
The akhirah is our aim
What is so great about dunya
Till it has the right for us to shed the tears?

A Muslim I am.

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