
The face veil.

I always keep my eyes to the niqaabis.
I just feel at calm.
I wish to be like them.
When the permission is given.
It's not an obligatory.
But it's allowed in Islam.

The niqabis.
They deserve my respect and admiration.
For having the courage to be different in our current society.
The reward from Allah for you my dear sisters.
Extra rewards for sure.
For taking extra steps to conceal yourself further.

Islam is a light that Allah SWT puts into one's heart.
He will help those sincere Muslims who are seeking the straight path.
To get closer to Him.
Desiring Him.
Desiring the Jannah.

May Allah chooses me.
May Allah grants me the chance and courage.
To get closer to the path of taqwa.

Yes I admire you, Niqabis.



Fighting for the Cause of Allah
Narrated by 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa
Allah's Apostle (peace be upon Him) said:
"Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords."

Quran, 9:88
The Messenger and those who believe with him
strive hard and fight with their wealth
and lives in Allah's Cause.

Muslims are everywhere
That jihad is a duty
To establish the rule of Allah on earth
And to liberate your countries and yourselves from jahiliyyah
It is your battle - either victory or martyrdom.

So what did we do today
For Islam?
This blog and as a woman
When you look back and come again
Then you will remember
This is my own little jihad for Allah.


Vicegerent of Allah

From birth onwards
Every child should be taught
To know that Allah created them to be His Khalifah
Every child needs to come to understand
Their role as Khalifah of Allah
In the most full and detailed manner possible.

Khalifah - vicegerent of Allah
What a glorious and exciting role to be given
To act as a representative of Allah
Even if only within the limited scope of human ability
It is the highest honour that can be given
Most blessed are we that Allah
Through His Divine and Unlimited Mercy
Has chosen mankind to receive this greatest of all honours.

When Allah created human beings
He gave us free will
In our role as Khalifah of Allah
We have the responsibility to use the free will given to us
To continue His plan for Creation
Allah gave us the responsibility
To ensure that His Creation continues to progress
That His Attributes will be perfectly expressed in physical world.

What a glorious and exciting future
Has Allah provided for us
What a lot of work there is to be done for Allah
And, what a magnificent reward awaits us.

Work hard and do a good deeds as Allah's Caliph
The world will become like a paradise
Allah's will.


What has been seen through

I would like to see my life as splashes and rythms
Mission statement gives me comfort more than anything else
And without it, i don't function well.

As Muslim
We are designated to bring Islam to the world
Conveying the truth
About Allah and Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him)
Allah is all great
Muhammad is the messenger
Rahmatan lil 'alamin (bless to the whole world)

For all that I have seen
I have learnt not to judge
But to mirror instead

For all that I have heard
I have learnt to hear on what they are not saying
For all that I have fall into
I have learnt to feel sick about it

For all that I have met
I have learnt to embrace the different shades
And for all that I have put my soul into
I have learnt to not keeping it out from it forever.

Dunya is temporary
The akhirah is our aim
What is so great about dunya
Till it has the right for us to shed the tears?

A Muslim I am.