
will u forgive the forgetful me?

I always remember your birthday my friend
coz it's included in your phone number
so how come i would forget it, isn't it?

but when it comes to the B-day
I suddenly forgot about it
and we even have a light debate early in the morning
eventhough it's started from you
to state that i'm a coward
not to change my condition because of others
Oh i apologize dear friend about this morning
we are in fact not in the same boat
it won't be interminable, hopefully

But i'm even now still on my standpoint that
you are a coward
to be in what you are now as instructed by others
and not to even say it loud
that you are suffering a lot~!

Hey friend
it's my pity on you
i'm really concern
but the reality is
it's only you who could help yourself
you do not even want to help yourself
then how could us?

it's hard to say happy belated birthday
when i'm actually remembering yours
will you forgive the forgetful me?
or shall i blame the hecticness of life?



M.s.s said...

Hi "idyll"
tanx alot for visiting.
i think you write interesting.
hope to be successful in blogging.
by the way are you Arab?
because you wrote "Assalamu`alaikom" for me
any way thanx again :)

idyll said...


Im not from middle east
Im Malaysian.

Thanks for coming here.

housesoul said...

forgive is a nice word
blame is a negative word