
Being confined

Can I say that
Iman, Islam and Ihsan
almost never been treated as one of the method
to develop the education, society, economy, life and etc

And in our world today
even in our 'Islamic country'
Iman, Islam and Ihsan
seem like being confined with those narrow districts
until they cannot been operated to develop the ummah to the wider districts
as wide as the creation of the Creator

Bear in mind that
Islam Iman and Ihsan
should'nt be restrain only into the district of 'Ibadah
but more than that
they cover all districts of life
business, economy, education, life, relationship
and the list will goes longer

Iman is the thinking concept for people to ponder on
Islam is the steps towards the true path
in gaining success here and hereafter

Please tell me
how many people do realize this
how many leaders do emphasize on this
how many countries being in this

because I cannot even tell myself..


mss said...

Hi dear IDYLL,
i`m agree with you
nowadays none of the leader follow Islam.
as an illustaration you can find news in the net about my home in these days.
leaders kill my country youth as easy as ABC.
it`s not Islamic government .
it is against our religion.
It`s not Mohammad religion.
sorry i can`t continue...

housesoul said...


mss said...

why you don`t write ???? :(